Phoenix – A Future for Saab


The proper means of which to ensure one’s electrical device utilized by several components of the vehicle is operating in a proper, cleansed environment.

Filed under: Humor,Information — by phoenixsaab @ 23:59

Hello. My name is Simon Quinlank, and I am the King of Hobbies.

What you will need for this weeks hobby is:

  • A standard bristle toothbrush of the medium or hard variety – SOFT IS NOT SUFFICIENT!
  • A small bottle of Vinyl Shine
  • A small round case of drill bits
  • A handful of leaves
  • A bottle of cleanser from a foreign country
  • A flask of weak lemon drink

This weeks hobby is called “The proper means of which to ensure one’s electrical device utilized by several components of the vehicle is operating in a proper, cleansed environment.”

Firstly, you must find a car. If you do not have one, yourself, ensure to ask the person whose you intend to clean that you wish to use their vehicle, or just don’t tell them. If you decide to ask, you may do so like this:

“Hello, my name is Simon Quinlank, and I wish to use your car for the demonstratory purpose of detailing the battery. May I do so? ANSWER ME!”

Once you have your car, open the bonnet and locate the battery. The battery is the device with the large metal horseshoe devices attached with hoses that run from them.

This battery is so weak, look at how small the hoses are! It can not be properly circulating the juice!

Now, using your standard bristle toothbrush, apply a small bit of the foreign cleanser, and vigorously rub along the hoses clockwise to ensure they are warmed and will be ready to expand when the battery is properly cleansed. NO OTHER COMBINATION IS ACCEPTABLE!

When you are done, your battery will automatically turn sideways, and the hoses will appear to be missing. This is your key to cease cleansing them. You may drink your weak lemon drink now, or save it for later. Finally, apply the Vinyl Shine to the top of the battery in a counter-clockwise motion utilizing your drill bits.

When you are nearly done, the hoses will reappear. I should be telling you that they will be larger, and the horseshoes will enlarge in size. The leaves are then placed upon the battery to shade it from the light. You must ensure they are covering both sides of the battery!


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