Phoenix – A Future for Saab


VM: “I believe Brightwell can save SAAB and make a deal with GM”

Filed under: Brightwell,News,Saab events — by phoenixsaab @ 18:09
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“I truly believe that Brightwell has both the means and the ability to buy Saab.”, Victor Mueller stated to TTELA.

Representatives from Brightwell Holdings are currently in Sweden and Gothenburg, and yesterday the company’s director Zamier Ahmed arrived in Stockholm and met with Victor Muller. Muller is assisting Brightwell prepare a bid, whom he supportsto take over Saab.

TTELA asked Muller why he felt Brightwell in the best position to buy Saab and why GM would say yes to the company?

“I can not comment on the matter more than that I really think Brightwell has both the means and conditions required to purchase the entirety of Saab”, said Victor Muller.

Muller said he believes that Brightwell is the candidate with the frontrunner to get the opportunity to build Saab’s current models, 9-3, 9-4 X and 9-5, where General Motors so far refused to concede licenses for a buyer.

Brightwell had already been in contact with Saab during last fall’s reorganization, wishing to buy into the company.

Victor Muller had this Turkish company on track to save Saab when the Chinese companies appeared to step back. He has met with representatives from the Turkish government and has had a meeting with the Turkish ambassador in Stockholm.

Current industry states that Brightwell have strong support from the Turkish state. The company is also said to be backed financially by the oil interests in the Middle East.

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